New Student Orientation

OrientationWe invite newly-enrolled students, students that are new to another program, or those who are interested but not yet enrolled to attend New Student Orientation. Orientation gives an overview of the Training Center experience and allows new students to meet with the Program Head or a core teacher from the program they are entering. Orientations are for adult students only; parents/guardians of Kids & Teens Program students are recommended to bring the student to the first class meeting.

New Student Orientation is generally held in the Second City Mainstage Theater on the Sunday before a new term begins and starts at 10am unless otherwise noted. The orientation dates for the Chicago Training Center are listed below. Attendance is not mandatory, and transcripts/notes are not available for those unable to attend.

Students attending 3- or 5-day Intensives usually have a welcome orientation on the first morning before the start of the first class. The Intensive coordinator will send a confirmation of the time before the start of Intensives.


  • March 1
  • April 26
  • June 21
  • August 23
  • October 18

On your first day of class, signs will be posted showing which rooms classes will be held in. Staff members and volunteers will be available to guide you if needed. Rosters will be posted outside classrooms, so please verify that you are attending the correct class; check with a staff member if you are not on the class list.